Below are some additional questions to ask in determining the safety of your next trip abroad:
Does the company provide its own travel guide to accompany the group?
This type of person will be responsible for organizing the overall logistics of the trip. He or she will be with you from the beginning of the tour until the end to oversee the arrangements for all transportation, meals, accommodations, and sightseeing. The travel guide carries a cell phone for use in case of emergency.
Does the tour guide know your destination area well?
For the protection of you and your travelers, you should choose a company that will use trained guides with relevant certifications in case problems arise. The guide should also know the area well, including the language of the locals.
Will this guide be on-call 24/7?
Many travel companies do not supply full-time guides, which leaves travelers unattended during the night hours. A good travel company should have a guide on-call at all hours of the night, and active in the participation of their activities during the entirety of their day and evening.
Does the company require or recommend adult chaperones, volunteer parents or faculty?
It is important to bring along chaperones in addition to your guide (if you are provided one from the travel company). The ideal amount of chaperones would be one for every 10 students. Kids tend to think they are invincible, and don't always use common sense. Parents and students are needed to ask the right questions, and determining safety during the trip.
Will there be a group leader in charge of the group?
Generally, the teacher or adult who coordinated the trip, organized the chaperones, and worked hand in hand with the travel company will be on the tour, and is responsible for fulfilling all disciplinary actions.
What is the company's function in assisting adults with planning student tours?
Will the company plan the entirety of your trip or are there activities, meals, accommodations or transportation you must arrange on your own?
Does the company mandate rules and regulations for student security and behavior, or are such guidelines merely recommended?
If tour company rules, such as a nighttime curfew, exist and are violated by traveling students, will the adult chaperones or company tour leaders have mechanisms in place to be made aware of such violations? If so, what steps will be taken?
Does a student tour group director (a company representative back at company headquarters) exist?
At what point do tour group leaders contact the tour group director or the tour group director contact headquarters in case of emergency?
Will the tour group always have a knowledge of clinics in the area?
A good tour company should always know the easiest access to clinics throughout all parts of their journey.
Does the company book reputable vendors?
Whether it is bus companies, accommodations, or vendors, you should work with honest and safe companies. A good travel company will send specific guidelines to hotels in advance according to tour leaders' directions. For example, they may instruct the hotel to book males and females on different floors or in areas that are safe and appropriate for students.
*Ask questions, read brochures, call the company - find out exactly what to expect. During the trip, you should always remain alert and aware of your surroundings. Take these safety precautions, and you are ready for an experience abroad that you will never forget.
Feel free to contact Appleseed Expeditions about any alternative break question you might have. We can also plan future alternative breaks for you and your school. Just go to www.appleseedexpeditions.com or contact us at info@appleseedexpeditions.com
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