Participating in service-learning projects in school, does a few important things. First, it helps improve the lives of others around the world. Second, it enhances a child’s relationship with their immediate community and the world. It also demonstrates to children that their skills and mindsets are important to creating changes they want to see. Finally, it enhances their drive for deeper education, so they can not only benefit their own lives, but also benefit others and the world around them.

Through these steps that take place in service-learning, kids are able to understand their value, and will seek a similar path in the future for continued impact. Service-learning allows students to discover how education is connected to their lives, and how their lives are connected to the world. Educators should guide them to become proactive in their environment, rather than reactive. You should encourage them to stop, think, and do something positive in response. Hopefully, they will begin to realize: education is a tool (a source of empowerment) to make something greater, and they have a role in this transformation.
If you are interested in pursuing a service-learning trip with your students contact
info@appleseedexpeditions for some incredible service-learning opportunities. Or visit us at
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